Even though I wasn't invited, I wanted to let you know that some of my doggie pals will be headed out to JUST PETS, Route 20 in Irving for an Adoption Day Event on September 4th from 10 am to 3 p.m. I hope you'll stop in and meet them!

But you can come and visit me and all my canine friends during open hours on Saturday, September 18th from noon to 3 p.m.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Project In the Works

I’m Binx, the NCCR feline resident. I love my job here. I make sure no unwanted critters enter the building. I take care of the puppies, especially when there is only one left in the litter. That’s when you’ll find me curled up with them so they don’t get lonely. I get to test all the dogs to see if they like cats. The pay is great; I have lots of volunteer friends and two square meals every day.

I noticed that I have been putting on a bit of weight, maybe I’m doing more lounging around than I should. Since I truly am in charge here, I’ve decided to take on additional duties and head up the construction job to begin here at the end of August.

Through the generosity of grantors and donors, including the Bertha Hamilton Trust plus fundraising by the hardworking volunteers, soon there will be a wonderful, additional building where dog training classes, educational programs, fundraisers and so much more will be held. Stay tuned for updates!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

More About Me.

I settled in at NCCR quite quickly. I have my very own condo where I keep my necessities; you know, food, water a toy or two and the all important litter box. Most of the time though, I have access to the entire training room where I have various comfy beds and toys scattered about. There are window sills to snooze in the sun on and places to perch so I can keep an eye on things. When the dogs are tucked in their kennels, I often wander through the kennel areas to check on them and remind them of course, who really is in charge here.

I guess you might be curious as to just exactly what my job entails. Well, I welcome each dog and assess their cat compatibility. I provide companionship for little dogs who stay out in my room. Most importantly, I take care of the puppies; you might even find me curled up napping with the last remaining puppy who's littermates have already been adopted.

It's a great job, but since I do have some idle time, I thought I could be the spokescat and introduce each newcomer and also let everyone know what happens at NCCR on a daily basis. So check back often; you just might see a dog you want to get to know better or maybe you'll even decide you want to volunteer! Oh, and don't forget if you visit NCCR, stop back in my room and say hi; I love to have company.